Saturday, June 27, 2009

I got a job!!

On August 31st I will offically be a practicing occupational therapist! Last week I had a phone interview, and this past Thursday I went to the facility for an interview. They called me on Friday and offered me the job! The name of the facility is Golding Living Center. They are a sub-acute care unit. They serve the geriatric (older) population and have only 17 long term care beds, and approximately 150 rehabilitation beds. The patients are sent to Golden Living Center from Northside Hospital, located accross the street. It is located north, outside of the city, in a safe area (the exact opposite of where my fieldwork is now). The patients have the most common diagnosis of stroke, orthopedic injuries/replacements, and neurological defecits. Their goal is to have 100% rehabilitation beds and no longer have any long term care beds. It is not your typical site but will be a wonderful entry level position for me as a new graduate. My boss has been known to be a fantastic teacher and the organization will offer me an incredible amount of learning and career advancing opportunities. If you know me well, you know that the geriatric population was the last population I wanted to work with, this place is not your typical geriatric setting and I think it will be a good fit for my first job. I am VERY excited and relieved that I now have a job, and know when/what I am doing in three months!! Yay!

Mom, Lauren, Lisa, and Jess (Ben's mom and sister) went to see a possible reception site for our wedding, it didn't turn out too well, so we are now strongly considering Felicita. We are excited to check places off our list and work closer to finding our ceremony and reception site! We have officially decided to get married in October of 2011. We aren't sure of the exact date yet, it will ultimately be decided upon what dates are available at the location that we choose. We are loving our engagement and time with eachother! I will be sure to keep posting about the progression of our wedding plans.

Miss and love you all <3


Unknown said...

I am SO proud of you! Congratulations on your first official job as an OT. I know you will be fantastic! :) miss you lots roomie!