Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2nd week at AMC

Well its only Tuesday of my second week and I already officially have 3 patients of my own! My supervisor for the first half (Josh) said that he would like me to keep 3 and no more. So I guess I must be doing o.k. if it's only the second week and I already have my "full" case load. One of them is a stroke patient, another had almost a total pelvic reconstruction, and my second one also had a stroke. He said he wants me to get as much neuro. (stroke) as possible during my time with him because once I start my second half, I will be seeing a lot of trauma (things like the pelvic reconstruction). I'm doing more of the initial evaluation of new patients which is exciting, I'm learning to become more confident in what my judgements are. I need the most guidance, as of right now, with documentation, and getting all the medical terminology correct.

My days are very long but having fun things to do on the weekend is helping... We will hopefully get a chance to lay out at the pool again this weekend but I can't wait for The Fray and Keith Urban & Taylor Swift this weekend!


Mayday28 said...

Sounds like you are already proving yourself a hardworker. I am so glad you are enjoying your work, that is so important (and hard to find). Your weekends apear to rock so enjoy that also! I heard "belong with me" by taylor swift thismorning on my way to work, and as i was singing along i was thinking about you! Miss you baby sis!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you! It takes a lot for someone to just up and move to a completely different state... at least you have Ben!
Good luck and please stay in touch! I miss you!