Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th @ Centenial Olympic Park

This is what fireworks that stretch a city block look like! Ben and I got to enjoy the spectacular fireworks show at Centenial Olympic Park with 75,000 other people. The fireworks not only stretched a city block, but they two buildings to the left and right also had fireworks shooting off of them. Needless to say, we were literally surrounded by beautiful colors and shapes in the sky!

Our day started with arriving at the park in the early afternoon... since it was our first time we didn't know how early to arrive. There weren't too many people there so we scoped it out and then headed to Tacomac for a bite to eat. They had an entire wall filled with nothing but beer on tap, it was pretty impressive (Ben enjoyed their selection). After our yummy lunch we headed back and enjoyed some time at the park. Then we set up our camping chairs and blanket and relaxed until the music started. There were two opening bands (the first one sucked, the second one rocked) and then Vertical Herizon came on. They sounded great and we both enjoyed the show. Then the fireworks started, they shot up in the sky to patriotic songs for about 20 min. After that, it was a race to the car. Overall, it was a wonderful fourth of July with my fiance!

I am at the half way mark of my fieldwork at Atlanta Medical Center and I can't wait to just be done and start making money! :o) I know it will come in time but I'm so anxious. I'm still getting use to the city life, traffic is very stressfull for me and the 75,000 people at the park wore me down by the end of the day. I guess im adjusting, but nothing is better than my quiet hometown in PA.

Miss and love you all!