Monday, June 22, 2009

Christine and Rob Tie the Knot!

That is the new Mrs. Bozart!

Ben and I got to travel back to PA for her wedding. It was a lovely weekend, but it went very quickly. Friday was the rehersal and dinner at the West Shore Country Club, then Saturday was the big day! It was a great time because all of the bridesmaids were my friends so I basically got to hang out with my friends for the weekend, which is something I miss terribly. The wedding went as planned with no major problems! The bride was as calm as a cucumber and everyone looked sharp. It rained in the morning but by the time they got hiched, the rain had stopped. It was great to let loose and have a blast with my buddies.

Sunday, luckily, was father's day and I got to spend it with my dad! I was glad that I was in PA because there was no other place I would have rather been than with my dad. He went fishing in the morning and caught a huge trout. Then we went out to breakfast at Perkins, and later he went and played golf with his neighbors. Overall it was another fantastic weekend... if only they could last longer!

(Update on my dad: his chemo is over half way done, only 4 more treatments left. His platelet count continues to be low, forcing him to wait 3 weeks in between treatments, which results in the chemo being drawn out longer. His nausea and achy-ness continues to get progressively worse with each treatment but he is a trooper and is hanging in there. He just wants it all to be over and done with, please keep him in your prayers as we are not sure how much worse it will get before he finishes his chemo).

Much love