Sunday, August 30, 2009

Study, study, study...

A good friend has been asking me to post a picture of me with my "brown" hair so... there it is. If you missed it from an older post, we are tight on money and didn't have any to spare for me to get my hair done- so when my mom visited we dyed my hair back to my natural color. This color is very close to my natural color, surprsingly... (and we were watching the Phillies play the Braves- Go Phills!)
Since I have finished fieldwork and officially being a student, I have spent my days being busy studying for my board exam. I study very hard all day until Ben returns home from his school day. Most people think that I am bored and have nothing to do but relax, that is definately NOT the case. I study as long as my mind can focus and am trying very hard to stay diciplined. My biggest fear is that I will not pass my board exam and all that money will go down the drain. I want to take and pass my board as soon as possible so I can start working. I would be able to work under my temporary license, but the Georgia state board isn't meeting until September 25th, meaning I wouldn't get my temporary license application approved until then and not be able to work until then. So I am choosing to spend my days studying hard- and not freaking out :o)
September proves to be a quiet month for us, no big plans. A quiet month will be a good change for us, so we can collect ourselfs and spend some time together before I start working full-time and before all of the "happenings" in October. Ben's parents are visiting for a football game (I can't wait) and then the end of October we are traveling home for my dad's 50th birthday. Then of course we wish to go home for the winter holidays but will have to wait and see if we can afford the time off and plane tickets.
All is well down here in Atlanta, Ben is busy with classes and TAing (being a teacher's assistant in lab) and we are enjoying the weekends together. We miss all of you at home and think of you often. Wishing my sister a happy 26th birthday on the 6th!! :o) Wishing I could be home to celebrate it with her.
Love you all.