Thursday, August 13, 2009

August in Atlanta

I have 5 more days left of fieldwork. Thank goodness!! I am just ready to get things started. :o) I am pretty much independent in everything other than a few questions here and there, it's a pretty cool feeling actually. I'm finishing up my temporary license applications and then will have to wait about a month... sooo... I'm applying for a part-time job to bring in some extra money (we could all use some right?). I have an interview on Saturday at Ulta, which is a cosmetic store. Hopefully I get it and we can have some extra cash flow for once!

Lauren and Jeff are officially an aunt and uncle! It happened about 2 weeks ago but forgot to mention it, Jeff's sister had a baby boy and he is adorable. You can check out Lauren's website for pictures, I am so glad that they have a nephew- way cool! They were up in Canada at Jeff's family's cabin when he was born and they came home to an additional family member, I can only imagine :o)

Dad is done with chemo, he still has his port in which they will take out in about a month. He is relieved and sounds like he is back to his old self. We are very lucky and blessed for our fortune and what we have been given. I am grateful every day for the outcome of the whole ordeal.

Ben is chugging along in lab, he starts classes again on Monday. He will continue to do research in lab but focus the majority of his time on classes and being a teacher's assistant (TA). As a result of starting classes and continuing to do research in lab, he will have to spend even more time in lab during evenings and weekends... boo!

Mom is visiting next weekend and I can't wait! I miss my family soooo much and need some good old girl time. Plus, some special motherly love is always welcomed :o)