Thursday, August 20, 2009

Visitors from PA and I'm finished w/ fieldwork!!

Today I officially graduated with my masters degree... why now?? Because I finished my fieldwork at Atlanta Medical Center! Now it is just a waiting game as to when my temporary license will come. I am also going to sign up to take the National Board Certification for Occupational Therapy next week. I just can't wait to actually be making money! It's so weird, I'm almost a full-time working adult... I have been going to school for so long that it feels weird to be done!

My mom is coming in tonight to visit for the weekend too! So overall, today is a fantastic day. Right now her plane has been delayed due to weather but she is scheduled to get in at about 9:00pm. We plan on going wedding gown shopping this weekend and just having good old girly fun. I wish that Lauren could have come, I miss her dearly, but know that she needed to stay in PA to work. We will be thinking of her this weekend.

My friend Melissa visited from home two weekends ago. It was sooo good to see a friend from home and spend some time w/ a girl. No offense to Ben, but it's just different spending time a guy than it is w/ a girl. I consider Ben my best friend, but still, it's different w/ a girl friend. We had a blast and I hope that she will visit soon again so I can show her more of the city!

I also bought a plane ticket to go home for my dad's 50th birthday in the end of October. Brenda actually purchased the ticket for me because she knew I couldn't afford it, so she made it possible for me to be there for my dad's big 5.0. I can't wait and am excited that I know when the next time I'm going home is!

The Smith's are visiting in the middle of October for a GA Tech football game. The games are a blast and I'm glad that they are coming to visit too, there is nothing like a parent's love :o)