Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dad got his port out :o)

Just a mid-week update... Dad got his port out on Tuesday! That's right, he no longer has it in. He had to go to the hospital to get it out, but was back at home by lunch time. He has a few steri-strips and no stitches. On Monday he went back to his oncologist to get blood work done, they checked his WBC and platelets and he was back up to normal. Now he has to go back every 3 months for a CT scan of his body to make sure nothing is growing, and to check his marker cells (cancer cells) and yearly colonoscopies. Basically just making sure that it doesn't come back or if any residual cells are left- making sure they don't multiply. He will also go to a genetic counselor for more testing, he just has to go and give blood and then they do all the tests. We have all been very blessed with the great fortune that we have had throughout this experience. I am grateful for all that we have been given and that it wasn't any more advanced. There are no guarantees- but with a little faith, I think we can get through anything.

Nothing new here, just hanging out on a Wednesday night (which is movie night at our house). This weekend is the first Georgia Tech home football game and Ben and I are both very excited for football season to start. We get to go tailgating with his entire chemistry department where we grill, drink a bit, and play yard games, then head to the game. So we have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend ahead of us! Hope all is well- any updates about family and home are appreciated!

Happy (early) Birthday to my sister!