Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another visitor from PA :o)

Well it's Sunday night and my mom just left from her weekend visit. She flew in Thursday evening (after two delays) and left tonight around eight o'clock. Friday was a girls day, we spent the day shopping at the mall and bought a birthday gift for my sister Lauren, who is turning 26 on September 6th. Then we went out for dinner and came back here and had some wine and dyed my hair. Yup, that is right, I am a brunette... not by choice! Ben and I are tight on money and I could not afford to go get my highlights done again, so we just dyed my hair to my natural color, which is sadly- brown. It looks great, but was a little shocking to get use to.

Anyway, Saturday we went to a bridal salon called "Kelly's Closet" in Atlanta. It was great! I actually found two dresses that I LOVE. One of them might end up being the dress I choose, but I don't want to get too excited, we are going to continue checking out small bridal salons and then make a decision once I have tried on more dresses. That was only the second time I tried on dresses so I don't want to make a rash decision. After that, we made another stop at Demetrios- the shop that I went to before to try on dresses, I tried on more, but none dazzled me/us like the other two at Kelly's Closet. My mom tried on dresses Friday and Saturday as well, she found two that she liked and will continue to look in PA. If she does not find any that she likes as much as what she found down here, she will come down next time and get measured and pick out the color for her dress for the wedding! Then Saturday night we went to a yummy dinner at Gordon Bierch, one of our favs down here.

Sunday (today) we were lazy by the pool. It was a beautiful day for chilling and getting some sun. As we were walking out to the pool we noticed water coming from under the cement in our parking lot. Well it turned out to be a burst pipe and our water was shut off for about 30 minutes... needless to say, my mom panicked and took an early shower so we spent most of the day in the shade playing cards.

It was a GREAT weekend, and a fantastic way to start off being done with school! Now its time to crack down and start studying for my boards!