Monday, June 7, 2010

Shoot the Hooch, Wings and Classic Rock, and PA

Two weekends ago we finally went on our float down the Chattahoochee River. We bought river floating tubes and loaded into a friend's truck and were on our way! The water was freezing, but it was so good to finally be back on a river and in the middle of nature. We were on the float for about 3 and 1/2 hours and stopped along the way on a beach to warm up (from the cold water) and drink a few beers. There were many others doing the same thing we were doing, and our group of friends already has another trip scheduled! Unfortunately, I will miss this trip because I will be in PA for my grandfather's 75th birthday party.

This past weekend, Ben found a very nice event in Marietta. It was a wing and rock fest. There were classic rock cover bands all afternoon playing on a stage in the middle of the square in Marietta (north of Atlanta) and about 15 different wing vendors. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we had a great time eating wings with our friends. Meanwhile, we are still hanging out by the pool when it isn't raining with a passing shower, and just spending time with the pups.

As I mentioned earlier, I am going home to PA for this upcoming weekend. It will be a very quick visit, I always wish they were longer... I arrive late Friday evening, and leave Sunday around dinner time. Just enough time for the birthday party for my grandpa Schirmer and to spend a day with my mom. I'm excited to go to the birthday bash because every member of the Schirmer side will be there! Also, it doesn't hurt that dad is breaking out the kayaks at the lake (where the birthday party is) :o) . I'm sad to be leaving behind Ben and my two pups, but I know that they will have fun without me, Ben will be busy shooting the Hooch, and the pups will keep busy playing. The weekend will be here and over before we know it!

PA here I come <3