Monday, June 28, 2010

Visit from Melissa

We had a great weekend this past weekend! Melissa, a long time friend of ours came down from PA for a four day weekend. We went to the brewery, hung out by the pool, played cards, and... we went to shoot the hooch! We had a blast, this time we put in from further up and it took us a whopping 6 hours to get down! Needless to say, Melissa and I were burt to a crisp, and I think everyone but me managed to fall out of their raft at some point (I fell out last time so everyone else was due for a turn). I think Melissa's topped it all off with skinned/bruised knees from falling out at the most rocky part of a long slow rapid. Everyone was ok, never in any real danger, but the river showed us no mercy :o) . We had a blast, but I don't know if I would want to spend another hot, blistering, 6 hour day on the Chattahoochee again, so I think we willl stick to the shorter 3 and 1/2 hour float next time. Before we knew it, it was time to take Melissa back to the airport- we made some awesome memories, and had a blast with her. We are so glad that she came down to visit.

Now it's time to prepare for our trip to Stone Harbor! We can't wait to spend some quality relaxation time at our favorite vacation spot with Ben's extended family. My mom gets the privilege of watching both of our puppies, she couldn't be more excited! Not only do we get to go on vacation to Stone Harbor and see my family for a day, but we will even manage to squeak a Phillies game in!! Needless to say, we can't wait!

The whirlwind continues... :o) Miss and love you all.