Sunday, May 23, 2010

East ATL Beerfest

This past weekend I went to my very first beerfest! Below, are some pictures of our friends down here in ATL. We went with JP, Melissa, John, Will, and Chad. Ben met them from GT and a few of them work together. We kinda joined their group and we have been having great fun! This is the same group of people that we go to ABC brewery with most Fridays for happy hour. The beerfest was outside at a park in east ATL, we had great weather, no rain, but a little humid. Overall, it was a good experience, I would def. go again! Then today, we hung out with the same group of people at our pool. It was about ninety degrees and not a cloud in the sky- perfect pool weather.

Work is going well, my boss is helping me to take more of a leadership roll to help the new employees learn how to do their best in the facility. Things are quite stressful at times regarding rehabs relationship with the nursing department, but people in respected positions are trying to help the situation get better. Ben is enjoying his job, and actually has off for Memorial day :o)

This Saturday we are going to Shoot the Hooch. We are floating down the Chatahoochee river on intertubes with the same group of friends as the beerfest. We are going about 6 miles and should take about 4 hours. I'm very excited to finally get back on a river... even if it is only a float :o)

Enjoy some pictures below of the beerfest at the park. Love and miss you all.