Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun Weekends

This past weekend Ben and I went to Harrisburg for my dad's 50th birthday :o) We ended up getting delayed in ATL and stuck in Charlotte bc we missed our connecting flight (after much stress and sprinting about 1/2 mile to our gate). Then we had a 6:30am connecting flight getting us in Hbg at 9:30am. So after 4 hours of sleep, we finally made it home. I was absolutely thrilled to be able to see almost my whole family all day long- at one place (not having to drive everywhere to see everyone). It was a blast and I think my dad enjoyed it too. I also got to spend Sunday with my mom while Ben spent the day w/ his family. Overall, it was a very short, yet sweet weekend. It was the refresher that I needed :o) Plus, I didn't have to miss my dad's 50th birthday! Happy Birthday dad :o)

This weekend Ben's 2 friends Zach and Matt are coming down to celebrate his birthday! Ben's turning 24 on November 7th (Saturday). So they are coming down Thursday and will probably go out and have some drinks then party it up on Friday and then the GT vs Wake Forest football game and tailgate on Saturday. I'm so glad that they decided to come down and make his birthday special. Another fun filled weekend coming up!

Miss everyone already, much love.