Saturday, November 14, 2009

Another weekend

This week went really well at work. A patient that was discharged this week, filled out a survey and wrote an excellent review about me and the other physical therapy assistant that treated him- which was then given to my boss- and she gave it to the program director at the corporate office. We also had a work dinner on Friday night. Ben came along and got to meet all of the people I work with, (as well as their significant others) it was a good time! Then we went to a tavern for our friend's birthday. Ben sang karaoke and it was a good time. This weekend proves to be another busy one- never enough time.

But we are doing well, and will most likely have our friend Sean with us for Thanksgiving meal. It will be nice to have someone else to join in the festivities to make it special.

This Tuesday we are going to see Train in concert. I bought Ben tickets for his birthday, it is at a small venue so we should have good seats (or standing room) wherever we are.

The warm weather is still hard to get use to, it is already the middle of November but still in the 70's here- very weird. I miss everyone, and wish I could be home for Thanksgiving, but will make the most of my first official Thanksgiving dinner here.

Love you all.