Monday, October 26, 2009


As many of you know, I hate change. But since this move to ATL, I have been "forced" to embrace it.

One good change this week was that I got my first real pay check! It was such a good feeling to finally be valued for my education and service. Of course we would always love more, but I think once it starts coming in every two weeks, we will finally be on our feet :o) We celebrated my job and first pay check by going out to dinner at Brio on Friday night, a date night! It was a lovely meal, but felt weird to actually be acting like adults! Then Saturday we drove out of the city, toward Alabama, to go to a haunted house and trail. We were a little disappointed but just happy to be experiencing something true to GA and getting in the Halloween spirit.

Another change in my life is that I just found out that I won't be able to go home for Thanksgiving. I was absolutely crushed when I found out, I was under the impression that I could work the weekend before and everything would be fine- apparently that isn't the case. I am a very traditional person, but I guess Ben and I will have to break our traditions and have the big meal here by ourselves. What makes it slightly worse, is that Thanksgiving was when my family celebrated my birthday... things have to change sometime, even if it isn't welcomed.

The next big change was that Sunday... I got my hair cut. I went in with the thought of letting them do what they wanted, and sure enough, they turned me back to blonde- and then cut it all off. Below is my updated-do. I have mixed feelings about it :o)

Next we are off to PA for my dad's 50th birthday party!! I am so glad to be spending time with my family and even more excited to be able to celebrate with my dad. This will hopefully help hold me off until Christmas when we can go home to PA again.

Love you all!