Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It's official! The state of GA decided to cough up my license! I can now put the letters "OTR/L" behind my name, something that has been my goal for the last 5 years of my life. I tentatively start on Thursday, October 8th. I am suppose to get a call from Ageis Therapies (the company that hired me to work at Golden Living Center) tomorrow to discuss a formal starting date and time. I am nervous to start working full time as an OT. I am also sad to be leaving Wrigley but think that starting out with only 2 days being left alone, and then the weekend, will be a good transition for him.

Wrigley and I have both been very spoiled these past two days, Ben had off for fall break and was home with us both Monday and Tuesday- I am definitely very grateful for being able to spend the time at home with both of them.

This past weekend was very calm and relaxing, we spent most of the days watching football. PSU, GT and the Steelers won- so it was a good weekend to watch football. We also took Wrigley to a park down the street and both enjoyed walking through the family neighborhoods. The weather has been in the mid-low 70s lately and is expected to warm up slightly but the forcast is for it to stay the same throughout the week. We are liking this cool weather and are in the fall spirit.

Ben's parents are visiting in 2 weeks and we can't wait to see them. They are coming down for a GT football game and will get here Friday morning and depart Sunday evening. Hopefully these two weeks will go quickly so we can see loved ones!

I miss everyone in PA and hope that you are enjoying the fall weather and festivities. Love you all- here are some pictures from the weekend...

Caught him mid bark.

A Penn State dog

He decided to bring his bowl over after he was done eating, And thanks to Lisa for his new toys and goodies! (the bat is in the background)

Hanging out :o)