Sunday, September 27, 2009

Football Weekend

It is still hot and humid here in ATL, I wish it were more like autumn but apparently it's not too much like fall in PA either. This week it should be a bit cooler though, staying in the mid-low 70s. This past Saturday we went to the GT tailgate and football game vs UNC, we won! But at the end of the game it started pouring rain, thank goodness we decided to bring our ponchos with us. So we got a little wet walking back to the car, which explains why I look a little scruffy in the pictures below. Then we came home and changed into dry clothes and sat down and watched the PSU game! This was the first time we have gotten to watch them yet this season. Unfortunately at the most important moment in the game, our electricity cut out!! We frantically called who we could to get updates, thanks to my dad and Ben's mom, we got to at least hear how it ended up. Then Sunday (today) we watched The Eagles and also The Steelers game. We also took Wrigley to a nearby park for a long walk, such nice weather today! Here are a few pictures from the night of the PSU game, after getting rained on while walking back from the GT game. (Also, I'm still waiting for the State of GA to approve my license application- I'm quickly learning that they are very slow at this...)

Giving Ben some love...

Getting dried off after going potty in the rain.

Let's go, PSU!


Wrigley makes us laugh :o)

Watching the game

after we dried out a bit from the rain

Tuckered out after all the fun