Sunday, October 11, 2009

Work in the "real world"

I started working at Golden Living Center (but hired by Aegis Therapies) this past Thursday. My first day did not go so well... They were not prepared for me at all. My boss was out sick and I got passed around between a rehab aid and shadowing an OT. I was also not able to gain access to the computer the second half of the day which kept me from doing what was "planned" for me. I also discovered that the rehab staff (physical therapists, aids, and OTs) referred to it as a skilled nursing/long term care facility. I was told that there were a few long term care beds, but that the majority were patients that would eventually return home, and were there for general rehab. I learned that this was not the case. This is a great concern of mine, because the long term care setting is the only setting that I knew did not want to work in. Then to top it all off, I got stuck in traffic on the way home, it took me 45min to make the trip, when it should have only taken me about 20min.

The second day went much better, my boss (Emma) was there, and I spoke up and asked a lot of questions that I needed answers to. I also spoke up and cleared myself a spot to put my things, asked about parking, hours, and wages. I still have many more questions, but I got a good number of them answered. One of the Physical Therapists actually said that it was good that I spoke up, or else I would have never gotten my questions answered! All of the staff are very friendly and nice. There are a lot of newly hired employees, and at least one other new grad, and one therapist that only graduated 2 years ago. I hope that it will be a good fit for me, I will try hard to keep an open mind.

Ben's parents come down to visit this Friday and we are both excited to have plans for the weekend and see family! We are going to see the GT vs Virginia Tech game on Saturday night and then Lisa and I plan to go to church on Sunday. Other than that, we will attend the tailgate of course before the football game, but just relax, visit, and enjoy their company!

Only 3 more weeks until we travel home for my dad's 50th birthday party, we are excited to go home and see everyone! Miss you all- much love.