Friday, May 15, 2009


Well... Ben and I are engaged! It all started on mother's day when Ben surprised me by telling me that he was taking me to Stone Harbor, NJ for the week. Stone Harbor is a very special place to Ben and I. We have vacationed there with our families since we were little. He waited until the second night of our vacation (May 12th, coincidentally Ben cousin's Krista's birthday) to propose. After dinner, we decided to sit on the beach on a blanket and relax while looking out at the ocean with the sun setting behind us... and that is when he did it! I was so happy, and excited among a million other emotions. The ring is very special to me because the diamond is from Ben's mother's Aunt Barbara's engagement ring. I am excited to officially be a part of the Smith family and cannot wait for our lives to begin together!

He designed the ring himself! It is platinum and appears silver in normal lighting, I think it is appearing darker in these pictures as a result of the lighting and background. These pictures were taken by the jewler before the ring was given to Ben. I couldn't have asked for anything more. And it is even more special to me because he designed it. <3>

These pictures are of the ring before the center stone was added, I wanted to include them so you could get a better pictures of the color of the ring.

I couldn't be happier! He did such a wonderful job <3


Mayday28 said...

That is so pretty and unique! The setting is so elegant and beautiful, Ben did a fabulous job! Congratulations on your engagement and graduation, my you have had a busy week! I am so proud of you, and thrilled Ben popped the question, you guys will be great!