Friday, April 24, 2009

Info about my life in Atlanta

This blog is mainly for those of you (way far away) in Pennsylvania who want to keep up with my life here in Atlanta, GA. Moving to a completely different part of the country is plenty of change for me. Many of you know that completing my final fieldwork will also be a time of change and learning for me. I will keep you all updated (by way of this blog) on what exciting events happen during my fieldwork experience and how my adjustment to the southern-city life is going. Much love.


Mayday28 said...

Everything looks great! But you need to starte posting, about your last few classes or whatever. Mom said she looked at it and liked your picture. Call me or email me if you need any help, GL!

Unknown said...

Jenna... you are beautiful! Congrats to both you and Ben! We're so excited to have him be part of the Schirmer clan too! Your new life in Atlanta will be fun and challenging, but you have each other and that's what counts. You're starting a new life together and we're so happy for you! Take care of each other and we hope to see you soon. Love, Aunt Beth :0)

Unknown said...

Hi Jenna! I'm so glad that you are doing this blog. It will be fun for you to do and fun for all of us to read! What an exciting and wonderful time for you. Graduating with a masters in OT is amazing. We are so proud of you. Moving to Atlanta is going to be an adventure in many ways. So many new things to see and do. You are engaged! A beautiful ring for a beautiful girl. Much joy and happiness to you and Ben as you plan your wedding. Welcome to our crazy family though you have been a part of it for years! Love, Lisa