Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well I'm down here in the ATL sitting on the sofa drinking wine (Ben drinking stella) watching Deadliest Catch. I'm finally down here. It feels weird and I want to be home, but I know that I belong here with my handsome fella. It was a long weekend of driving around purchasing the necessities for the condo. and showing my mom and dad and Ben's mom, Lisa, parts of the city that are most important to us. They got to see GT's campus and the site of my internship (Atlanta Medical Center). Of course, they also spent time at the condo. making it feel more like home for me. I have one week off then I start my 12 week internship. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Right now, I am just concentrating on getting adjusted to not being in Pennsylvania anymore and being submerged in the city life. As I have said before, I will NEVER be a georgia peach but I will embrace the experience... Always a PA girl. Keep in touch, miss you all.


Mayday28 said...

The condo looks beautiful! Ben did a nice job decorating! We all miss you very much and hope you are doing well. City life is not for me either but more power to you for "embrasing" the experience. You will be working soon and not as bored, but hey you can always plan wedding stuff in your free time! ;)