Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ben's Graduation!!

This weekend Ben graduated from Georgia Tech with his masters in Chemistry! His family (mom, dad, brother, and grandparents) came down on Thursday and spent the weekend in Atlanta. We had a great weekend! It started Friday by going to the GA Aquarium, then to Ben's graduation Friday night. It was a very nice ceremony and the key note speaker was Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy. Saturday we went to The Fabulous Fox Theater to see Mary Poppins and Saturday night we went back to tech to see their baseball team play. The play was fantastic and we had great weather for the game! Then Sunday we went to breakfast for mother's day and said fair well to everyone.
It is always such a whirlwind when we have visitors and they are gone before we know it. Ben was happy to graduate and have it be official even though he has been done since the fall semester. It was nice to have a formal celebration of his wonderful accomplishment! It was also very nice to see Ben's family, I miss everyone terribly, and their short visit helped give me that "family fix". Enjoy some pictures below, there are more posted on Facebook.

We have very busy weekends coming up but I will try to keep you all posted :o)