Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paint and a new puppy!

I apologize for not posting for almost two weeks, but once you read all that we have done, you will understand why I couldn't post! We had a wonderful weekend visit from Ben's parents and his brother Brad. It is always fantastic to have visitors down here. Once they left we went into full swing of getting back to business. The next day we went to look at a puppy, Wrigley needs a play partner more than anything, it was a brother and sister (named Jack and Jill). They were abandonded on the side of a road and picked up and brought to a rescue foster home. They are a Corgi Jack Russell Terrier mix (aka Cojack). We immediately liked Jill over Jack and decided to get her! But before bringing her home, we desperately needed to paint our condo. We decided on brown alpaca for the living room, and a deep brown for the bottom of the chair rail in the dinning room. Last, we chose lemon grass for the office. It turned out great! Here are some pictures to show you the transformation:

Then we had a week to prepare for our puppy. We decided on the name Annabelle. We picked up all our supplies through out the week and picked her up Saturday morning. Her and Wrigley met for a second time when we picked her up and played in their yard before returning home. She was a little tense at first on the car ride home but then relaxed in my lap. Her and Wrigley couldn't be playing better, she lets him make the calls and is already learning good behaviors from him. She hasn't chewed anything other than toys yet, and only had two tiny piddle accidents (only because she couldn't hold it anymore) and finished when we took her outside. She is a quick learner and napped for an hour in our room on her pillow after the 6am feeding and bathroom break. She quietly wimpered for less than 5 minutes last night after being put in her crate for the night. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly today and the rest of the week, I will keep you updated! Oh, she is 5 months (we're making her birthday the same as mine) and weighs 15lbs :o) Here are some pictures of her first day with us:

most of them are of them playing... go figure :o)

checking things out...

sleeping next to momma

nothing but puppy pudge

cuddling :o)