Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st week with Annabelle

The first week went very smoothly with Annabelle! The first night was a piece of cake, but the second was another story. She started crying at 2:00am and then again at 3:45am, this time crying for an hour and 45 minutes!! At that point, since I wasn't sleeping anyway, I decided to get up and let her out. The next night she fell asleep and woke at about 5:00am at which time I tried a pointer a co-worker of mine gave me. I went in the office, told her "No!" and waited for her to be quite, then said "good girl" after a few hits on the top of her crate, she got the idea (she is a very quick learner). And the rest is history, if she starts whimpering (normally about 15 minutes before my alarm goes off) we go in and tell her "no" and she is quiet until we come and get her. The potty training is a piece of cake, she doesn't tell us when she has to go, but she goes the same time we take Wrigley and she is fine! She also has the hang of walking on the leash already :o) Next, are the commands sit and stay. So wish us luck and I'll be sure to update you about how it is going! Her and Wrigley play together all the time, snuggle, and truly enjoy each other's company. Here are some pictures to enjoy :o)

Making lovies at eachother :o)

They did this all on their own in the morning before Ben went to work

zonked out

snoozing after dinner