Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pictures from Thanksgiving and our first Christmas tree!

Hello everyone! Below are some pictures from the pasts two weekends. We have been very busy but I managed to capture a few images :o) We picked out our very first Christmas tree from a small family nursery (reminding me of SKH) and had it set up in no time. It looks awesome and really helps keep us in the Christmas spirit down here in the warm state of GA. We can't wait to come home for Christmas and for everyone to meet Wrigley! Hope you enjoy the photos <3>

The awesome fabric we found for our tree skirt

Christmas decorations in the kitchen

a view from the family room into the kitchen

we just got the cardinal picture framed- just in time for Christmas

a festive Ben showing off our fabulous tree :o)

Wrigley crawled up on him all on his own... what a snuggle bug.

He sat there all by himself too, I managed to grab the camera before he moved

Our friend Sean came to visit for Thanksgiving- what a turkey he made, and we had a great time!