Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and my Birthday

This thanksgiving our friend Sean came down from NC to spend the holiday with us. He did the turkey (which was fantastic) and I did the rest. It turned out well with no big issues! The boys said it was good, so I guess that's all that matters. I am very thankful for Ben, Wrigley, having a job that I enjoy, a wonderful home, and a loving family (even if they are far away).

We also celebrated my birthday while he was down, we went out to dinner at Gordon Bierch and it was very yummy. Then Saturday was the GA vs GA Tech game, we tailgated all day and then Ben went to the game and Sean and I came back to watch it at home. They ended up loosing but it was a fun weekend. We decorated for Christmas and plan on getting our very first tree together next weekend.

Tomorrow (or for some of you reading this on Monday- today) is my 24th birthday. It sucks not being able to see my family around this time of year but we are trying to handle it as best as we can. I decided that I didn't want to cook so we are planning on going up to a pub up the street for dinner. I also have to work on my birthday, but I guess that is what most people have to do. Nothing else too exciting happening here- just can't wait to get home for Christmas!

Miss and love you all <3

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Another weekend

This week went really well at work. A patient that was discharged this week, filled out a survey and wrote an excellent review about me and the other physical therapy assistant that treated him- which was then given to my boss- and she gave it to the program director at the corporate office. We also had a work dinner on Friday night. Ben came along and got to meet all of the people I work with, (as well as their significant others) it was a good time! Then we went to a tavern for our friend's birthday. Ben sang karaoke and it was a good time. This weekend proves to be another busy one- never enough time.

But we are doing well, and will most likely have our friend Sean with us for Thanksgiving meal. It will be nice to have someone else to join in the festivities to make it special.

This Tuesday we are going to see Train in concert. I bought Ben tickets for his birthday, it is at a small venue so we should have good seats (or standing room) wherever we are.

The warm weather is still hard to get use to, it is already the middle of November but still in the 70's here- very weird. I miss everyone, and wish I could be home for Thanksgiving, but will make the most of my first official Thanksgiving dinner here.

Love you all.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ben's 24th Birthday

This weekend, two of Ben's friends from college came to visit for his birthday. Matt and Zach arrived Thursday and the boys went out to a bar up the street to play darts and pool and have guy time. Friday they stayed home with Wrigley and then we went out to ABC for happy hour. We went to The Vortex for dinner, then went to two other bars for some beers on Peachtree St. Saturday we went to the football tailgate and the guys went to the game vs. Wake Forest- I went home to be with Wrigley and watch PSU. Unfortunately, PSU lost, but GT won in OT! Then we went to La Parilla (a Mexican restaurant) for dinner and then just hung out at the condo for a while, eventually we headed up to Fox and Hounds for a few birthday drinks. We stayed up late, and I think Ben had a great birthday celebration. Sunday (today), we took Matt, Zach, and Wrigley to Piedmont Park. It was a beautiful day to be outside and walk around. Matt is leaving tonight and Zach is leaving tomorrow afternoon. I think that Ben had a fun birthday and are very glad to have his friends here to celebrate it. I only hope that it was all that he wanted for his birthday :o)

Another week at work ahead, I'm fitting in more every day, and love being an O.T. Ben is winding down his semester, and anxious to finish up his course work and find a job that he enjoys. We think about you all often, miss and love you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun Weekends

This past weekend Ben and I went to Harrisburg for my dad's 50th birthday :o) We ended up getting delayed in ATL and stuck in Charlotte bc we missed our connecting flight (after much stress and sprinting about 1/2 mile to our gate). Then we had a 6:30am connecting flight getting us in Hbg at 9:30am. So after 4 hours of sleep, we finally made it home. I was absolutely thrilled to be able to see almost my whole family all day long- at one place (not having to drive everywhere to see everyone). It was a blast and I think my dad enjoyed it too. I also got to spend Sunday with my mom while Ben spent the day w/ his family. Overall, it was a very short, yet sweet weekend. It was the refresher that I needed :o) Plus, I didn't have to miss my dad's 50th birthday! Happy Birthday dad :o)

This weekend Ben's 2 friends Zach and Matt are coming down to celebrate his birthday! Ben's turning 24 on November 7th (Saturday). So they are coming down Thursday and will probably go out and have some drinks then party it up on Friday and then the GT vs Wake Forest football game and tailgate on Saturday. I'm so glad that they decided to come down and make his birthday special. Another fun filled weekend coming up!

Miss everyone already, much love.