Sunday, October 24, 2010

The warm fall season

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) we have nothing too exciting to post about! It is still in the high 70's, low 80's here in GA even at the end of October. Ben and I are itching for some cooler weather. We did get into the Halloween spirit and went to a haunted house, against my better judgement, but Ben loved it and it was a nice way to spend a Friday evening in the end of October.

This upcoming weekend, a group of us are heading to our usual happy hour location, a small brewery down the street from us for a Halloween "Hops and Hogs" bash. There will be a pig roast, locally brewed beer, other yummy food, and costumes! Ben is being a ghoulish skeleton topped off with a painted face, spray painted hair, and an outfit to go with it. I am breaking out the witches costume again and bought a girlie hat to go with it. We are excited to dress up again this year, since last year just wasn't the same without it! Unfortunately, we don't get any trick-or-treat-ers in our neighborhood, but at least we get to have some fun with our friends. So there will be pictures to follow! Stay tuned :o)

Love and miss you all.