Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birthdays and Big News!

First for the birthdays: Ben turned 25 on November 7th and I turned 25 on November 30th. Ben's birthday was a lot of fun, two of his college friends came down to celebrate the weekend after. We went out on the town in ATL and showed them a good time at some of the bars/clubs. He even got to have mint-chocolate ice cream cake! Then we went home for Thanksgiving, quite a long ride in the car- 11 hours with the puppies, but they did really well. We had a great time at home visiting with family and friends and having a wonderful Thanksgiving meal cooked by my sister (great job Lauren). Then we came back here to celebrate my birthday, I had to work so it wasn't too extravagant, but we went out to dinner and had a lovely evening at home...

Now for the big news! Ben got a job in Portland, Oregon! That's right, we are moving to Portland, Oregon sometime around the middle to late January. It is a biosafety specialist position at Oregon Health and Science University. After he applied to this job and went through the whole interview process, I had a feeling that this would be the one that he would land. Although, I do not want to move any further away from Pennsylvania, I know that if we live in Oregon for a little while and get Ben's career started, we can then look for jobs much closer to PA and move there long term. So for everyone who is thinking we are crazy, this move will only be for a little while :o)

I posted some pictures from our birthdays and Thanksgiving on Facebook. Sorry I haven't posted for so long, obviously we have been extremely busy lately. But since we have so many new things now, I will be sure to post more often.

We are traveling home to PA for Christmas for almost a week, so I hope to see a lot of you then. We can't wait to be home for the Christmas holiday! Love you all.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween in ATL

Everyone has been anxiously awaiting these Halloween pictures! Well here they are :o) I am very proud of the paint job I did with Ben's face and hair, I am not the artist so this was quite a feat for me, as was my own makeup. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The warm fall season

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) we have nothing too exciting to post about! It is still in the high 70's, low 80's here in GA even at the end of October. Ben and I are itching for some cooler weather. We did get into the Halloween spirit and went to a haunted house, against my better judgement, but Ben loved it and it was a nice way to spend a Friday evening in the end of October.

This upcoming weekend, a group of us are heading to our usual happy hour location, a small brewery down the street from us for a Halloween "Hops and Hogs" bash. There will be a pig roast, locally brewed beer, other yummy food, and costumes! Ben is being a ghoulish skeleton topped off with a painted face, spray painted hair, and an outfit to go with it. I am breaking out the witches costume again and bought a girlie hat to go with it. We are excited to dress up again this year, since last year just wasn't the same without it! Unfortunately, we don't get any trick-or-treat-ers in our neighborhood, but at least we get to have some fun with our friends. So there will be pictures to follow! Stay tuned :o)

Love and miss you all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Visit to PA and a friend's wedding

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures from this last weekend. I used my mom's camera and uploaded them at home, so if you want to see some shots, check out my facebook page. This past weekend was a great three days. I got to see a few great friends, and have a blast at Erica and Adam Burkholder's wedding. Everything went without a hitch and it was a beautiful fall day.

Not only did I get to spend time with them but I also got to visit with Jamie and her new baby boy, as well as my family. We all ate lunch together at Lio's (nothing beats a Lio's sub) and watched the Steelers' game on Sunday. Lio's lunch is a tradition when I go home because in the south, they do not have subs at pizza places, and when you go to a sub shop- it isn't the same, it's more like a hoagie. So... Lio's is a must when in Harrisburg. Being up north was a temperature shock to me, I was not prepared for the cooler weather! But it seemed to follow me back, because I am sitting here with the windows open in a tee shirt and sweat pants (it had been in the 80's until now). So I am welcoming the cooler weather!

Ben and I do not have too much planned until Thanksgiving. We will most likely check out at least one haunted house pretty soon here. If any of you know Ben, you know he LOVES celebrating Halloween :o) In two weeks, we plan on heading to a friends house that boarders Piedmont park and sit on his porch and listen to The Eagles play around the corner. Nothing like hanging out with your friends in the cool autumn weather.

All is good down here, miss and love you all. <3

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hello again from down south. We have had a very good past two weeks. Two weeks ago, my mom came down to visit for a long weekend. Everything went as planned and we had a ton of fun. Many giggle fits, bottles of wine, and just relaxing with the dogs! We made it to the first kick-off game of the GT football season. It was our first tailgate, and it went rather well. Then we went to a movie, went out to eat, and just lounged around the rest of the weekend. It was a very good visit.

Then last weekend my dad and Brenda came down for the first time since I moved down. They had a lot to see, but we managed to show them much of Atlanta. We went to a very good BBQ joint, hung out in Buckhead, Midtown, and showed them the Chattahoochee rive (no floating because the water was very chilly). They got to spend time with the pups and see our little world down here in GA. I am very glad that they made the trip and got to hang out with us.

Now we have a couple quiet weekends until I fly home to PA to be in a friend's wedding. It will be a short weekend filled with rehersals, weddings, and get-togethers. I think it might be cooling off a little bit down here, and when I say that, I mean that it isn't above 95 degrees every day :o) Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures when my dad and Brenda were down, but here are a couple from my mom's visit. I will try to take more pictures- I know, I've been slacking. :o)


First home game of the season, Go Jackets!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

My apologies for not posting in so long. I did think about posting, but with a little push from my sister, it made me get back on quicker. We have had very busy weekends here! Our friend Sean Talbott came to visit for a weekend, then the weekend after, Mr. Smith came down, and last weekend we had a concert to go to! Not only did we have visitors but we were kept quite busy during those times! We went to shoot the hooch on more that one occasion, went to two Braves' games, and a Jackson Browne concert at Chastain Park Ampitheater. Then this past weekend Ben and I treated ourselves to a Sheryl Crow concert!! Ben purchased those tickets as a surprise to me, 4th row, center stage! She rocked out, playing new and old stuff. Her encore totally took the show with all old stuff and a tribute to Michael Jackson by singing "I want you back". We have been thoroughly enjoying Atlanta, and sticking out the incredible heat and humidity.

This upcoming weekend I am going to a PAM (physical agent modalities) class that will get me certified to use things like ultra sound, electrical stimulation, and many more here in the state of GA. The only downside is that it is ALL day Saturday and Sunday, but I know it will be worth it. Then my mom is coming to visit the weekend after that, and the weekend after THAT my dad and Brenda are coming! Whew... here we go again... But I love it :o)

I apologize that there aren't any new pictures, we just haven't taken any! I promise to try harder to take more these upcoming weekends. Please send me messages and keep me updated with your lives- Miss and love you all.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Stone Harbor, NJ

This past week we spent our time driving to and from PA, and most of the week at Stone Harbor, NJ. I have vacationed there since I was born, and ironically, Ben and his family have vacationed there for most of his life as well. It is probably our favorite place to be. Not only do we both have history there, but that is where Ben proposed to me! The drive to and from PA/GA was rough, but well worth it. We took both of our puppies to my mother's house and she doggie-sat for us the whole week. She loved them, and they loved her! It also gave us peace of mind knowing that they were well taken care of. It gave us a chance to really enjoy our vacation.

We spent our days on the beach, our nights eating fabulous food and walking around to the different shops. Tuesday night, Ben's dad treated us to a Phillies game. It was great to be back in the sea of red and Philly lovers. We loved spending time with Ben's family, and his extended family was there too- so it was one big get together! I desperately needed some R&R (not that I got that much sleep because we exercised every morning) but just to get away was exactly what I needed. I feel refreshed, like my batteries have been recharged. I only wish that we could spend more time there and live closer. Not only did we spend time at the beach, but I got to see my family too the day before and after vacationing, so it was very nice to see everyone- even if it was only a little taste :o).

Now it is back to the grind of city, a bit overwhelming, but just taking one day at a time. We have busy weekends coming up, Ben is visiting a college friend in UNC in two weeks and then comes a month of weekend visitors! We love visitors, so anyone who wants to join in- feel free! Enjoy some pictures below of our vacation, a place that is very close to our hearts. (more are on facebook)

Miss and love you all!

Our spot- we have 4 different pictures, from 4 different years all at this same spot, need I say more? :0)

A night in town (96th street and 3rd Avenue)

Enjoying the Jersey beach

Our house for the week, on 96th Street and 2nd Avenue

Monday, June 28, 2010

Visit from Melissa

We had a great weekend this past weekend! Melissa, a long time friend of ours came down from PA for a four day weekend. We went to the brewery, hung out by the pool, played cards, and... we went to shoot the hooch! We had a blast, this time we put in from further up and it took us a whopping 6 hours to get down! Needless to say, Melissa and I were burt to a crisp, and I think everyone but me managed to fall out of their raft at some point (I fell out last time so everyone else was due for a turn). I think Melissa's topped it all off with skinned/bruised knees from falling out at the most rocky part of a long slow rapid. Everyone was ok, never in any real danger, but the river showed us no mercy :o) . We had a blast, but I don't know if I would want to spend another hot, blistering, 6 hour day on the Chattahoochee again, so I think we willl stick to the shorter 3 and 1/2 hour float next time. Before we knew it, it was time to take Melissa back to the airport- we made some awesome memories, and had a blast with her. We are so glad that she came down to visit.

Now it's time to prepare for our trip to Stone Harbor! We can't wait to spend some quality relaxation time at our favorite vacation spot with Ben's extended family. My mom gets the privilege of watching both of our puppies, she couldn't be more excited! Not only do we get to go on vacation to Stone Harbor and see my family for a day, but we will even manage to squeak a Phillies game in!! Needless to say, we can't wait!

The whirlwind continues... :o) Miss and love you all.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Quick Visit to PA

The entire Schirmer family, 3 generations!

My very quick visit started with Dad picking me up from the airport late Friday night. Saturday morning we got up, put the kayaks on the truck and headed off to the park for my grandfather's 75th birthday celebration. We spent a hot and humid day outside underneath the pavilion, eating picnic food, kayaking on the lake, and playing yard games. I couldn't have asked for a better day! And to top it all off, we met my mom at 3B's (one of the best ice cream places ever). Sunday, my mom, Lauren, and my mother's parents all met for lunch and had a great time catching up. My mom and I spent the rest of the afternoon together, and before I knew it, I was back on a plane heading for ATL.

It was WAY too quick of a visit, but I'm just glad that I could go home at all. For those of you that I missed, I'm terribly sorry, but as you can read- I didn't have much time to spare. I miss you all, and anyone is welcome to stay in our guest room anytime you are up for a visit! Speaking of which, our friend Melissa is coming to visit in 2 weeks and we can't wait to show her more of ATL (she visited once before)!

Here are some pictures below of my weekend in PA, Enjoy! Love and miss you all <3

Such a great pic of my mom and I :o)

Lauren and Jeff! What a lovely couple.

Memorial Lake and Blue Mountain

Monday, June 7, 2010

Shoot the Hooch, Wings and Classic Rock, and PA

Two weekends ago we finally went on our float down the Chattahoochee River. We bought river floating tubes and loaded into a friend's truck and were on our way! The water was freezing, but it was so good to finally be back on a river and in the middle of nature. We were on the float for about 3 and 1/2 hours and stopped along the way on a beach to warm up (from the cold water) and drink a few beers. There were many others doing the same thing we were doing, and our group of friends already has another trip scheduled! Unfortunately, I will miss this trip because I will be in PA for my grandfather's 75th birthday party.

This past weekend, Ben found a very nice event in Marietta. It was a wing and rock fest. There were classic rock cover bands all afternoon playing on a stage in the middle of the square in Marietta (north of Atlanta) and about 15 different wing vendors. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we had a great time eating wings with our friends. Meanwhile, we are still hanging out by the pool when it isn't raining with a passing shower, and just spending time with the pups.

As I mentioned earlier, I am going home to PA for this upcoming weekend. It will be a very quick visit, I always wish they were longer... I arrive late Friday evening, and leave Sunday around dinner time. Just enough time for the birthday party for my grandpa Schirmer and to spend a day with my mom. I'm excited to go to the birthday bash because every member of the Schirmer side will be there! Also, it doesn't hurt that dad is breaking out the kayaks at the lake (where the birthday party is) :o) . I'm sad to be leaving behind Ben and my two pups, but I know that they will have fun without me, Ben will be busy shooting the Hooch, and the pups will keep busy playing. The weekend will be here and over before we know it!

PA here I come <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

East ATL Beerfest

This past weekend I went to my very first beerfest! Below, are some pictures of our friends down here in ATL. We went with JP, Melissa, John, Will, and Chad. Ben met them from GT and a few of them work together. We kinda joined their group and we have been having great fun! This is the same group of people that we go to ABC brewery with most Fridays for happy hour. The beerfest was outside at a park in east ATL, we had great weather, no rain, but a little humid. Overall, it was a good experience, I would def. go again! Then today, we hung out with the same group of people at our pool. It was about ninety degrees and not a cloud in the sky- perfect pool weather.

Work is going well, my boss is helping me to take more of a leadership roll to help the new employees learn how to do their best in the facility. Things are quite stressful at times regarding rehabs relationship with the nursing department, but people in respected positions are trying to help the situation get better. Ben is enjoying his job, and actually has off for Memorial day :o)

This Saturday we are going to Shoot the Hooch. We are floating down the Chatahoochee river on intertubes with the same group of friends as the beerfest. We are going about 6 miles and should take about 4 hours. I'm very excited to finally get back on a river... even if it is only a float :o)

Enjoy some pictures below of the beerfest at the park. Love and miss you all.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ben's Graduation!!

This weekend Ben graduated from Georgia Tech with his masters in Chemistry! His family (mom, dad, brother, and grandparents) came down on Thursday and spent the weekend in Atlanta. We had a great weekend! It started Friday by going to the GA Aquarium, then to Ben's graduation Friday night. It was a very nice ceremony and the key note speaker was Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy. Saturday we went to The Fabulous Fox Theater to see Mary Poppins and Saturday night we went back to tech to see their baseball team play. The play was fantastic and we had great weather for the game! Then Sunday we went to breakfast for mother's day and said fair well to everyone.
It is always such a whirlwind when we have visitors and they are gone before we know it. Ben was happy to graduate and have it be official even though he has been done since the fall semester. It was nice to have a formal celebration of his wonderful accomplishment! It was also very nice to see Ben's family, I miss everyone terribly, and their short visit helped give me that "family fix". Enjoy some pictures below, there are more posted on Facebook.

We have very busy weekends coming up but I will try to keep you all posted :o)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April in the ATL

Aren't our little puppies adorable!? Ben had them under the commands of sit and stay. They couldn't be getting along any better. They play together, sleep together, and sit by the window and watch together. We officially took down her crate today because we haven't used it in over a week. She got fixed last Friday and was a little woozy the first two days but now she back to normal. We have to take her back to the vet's office sometime this week to get her stitches out. We have been taking both of them to happy hour at ABC Brewery and hang out outside and they get lots of attention :o)

This work week was typical for both of us and this weekend is time for relaxation! Next weekend I have to work Sunday because the following week the Smith family is coming for Ben's graduation! We are both very excited to see everyone and show them around.

In addition to a normal work week, we got to see the Phillies play the Braves! And... the Phillies won! We had club level seats, which we would get again, we had a great view and the fans up there were a nicer to us outcasts :o) We are taking Flat Stanley around with us, so he came to the game as well! Flat Stanley is a project that a lot of elementary school children have, he is a cut out of a boy and travels in the mail to places far away from home. Ben's cousin Jake made him and we are showing him around Atlanta. We are having lots of fun with him.

The weather has been great, lots of pollen, and a few thunderstorms but it is almsot pool season and we are very excited for that. It's getting warmer down here in ATL, spring has officially sprung :o)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It is much different celebrating Easter down here in GA. For one, the weather is MUCH warmer- it feels about mid-high 80s and is sunny. I also didn't get to go to church for the first Easter, in I don't know how long. Instead, I watched it online. The past 4 or 5 weeks I have watched a church service online every sunday at 11:00. It is a church that Ben's mom heard of from her church at home, so she took me, and I loved it. The only problem is that it takes so long to fight traffic and what not, since it is in the heart of Buckhead. So I choose to watch it online instead, same service, but less time and more convenient. Ben and I decided to make peanut butter eggs from scratch, boy did they turn out yummy! I also made a ham for Ben and I for dinner, it turned out ok, nothing like a homemade meal made from the ones you love. I miss my family terribly today, but know that it will only make it that much better when I do see them.

Ben loves his job and is fitting in very well. He comes home happy every day, and is starting to take more independence in his duties. I just finished working toward my certification to use modalities (heat, ice, electrical stimulation, ultrasound etc) to promote healing. So, overall- everything is going well!

Love and miss you all, enjoy some more pictures below :o)

in the process of making our eggs!

The finished product... mmm

Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st week with Annabelle

The first week went very smoothly with Annabelle! The first night was a piece of cake, but the second was another story. She started crying at 2:00am and then again at 3:45am, this time crying for an hour and 45 minutes!! At that point, since I wasn't sleeping anyway, I decided to get up and let her out. The next night she fell asleep and woke at about 5:00am at which time I tried a pointer a co-worker of mine gave me. I went in the office, told her "No!" and waited for her to be quite, then said "good girl" after a few hits on the top of her crate, she got the idea (she is a very quick learner). And the rest is history, if she starts whimpering (normally about 15 minutes before my alarm goes off) we go in and tell her "no" and she is quiet until we come and get her. The potty training is a piece of cake, she doesn't tell us when she has to go, but she goes the same time we take Wrigley and she is fine! She also has the hang of walking on the leash already :o) Next, are the commands sit and stay. So wish us luck and I'll be sure to update you about how it is going! Her and Wrigley play together all the time, snuggle, and truly enjoy each other's company. Here are some pictures to enjoy :o)

Making lovies at eachother :o)

They did this all on their own in the morning before Ben went to work

zonked out

snoozing after dinner

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paint and a new puppy!

I apologize for not posting for almost two weeks, but once you read all that we have done, you will understand why I couldn't post! We had a wonderful weekend visit from Ben's parents and his brother Brad. It is always fantastic to have visitors down here. Once they left we went into full swing of getting back to business. The next day we went to look at a puppy, Wrigley needs a play partner more than anything, it was a brother and sister (named Jack and Jill). They were abandonded on the side of a road and picked up and brought to a rescue foster home. They are a Corgi Jack Russell Terrier mix (aka Cojack). We immediately liked Jill over Jack and decided to get her! But before bringing her home, we desperately needed to paint our condo. We decided on brown alpaca for the living room, and a deep brown for the bottom of the chair rail in the dinning room. Last, we chose lemon grass for the office. It turned out great! Here are some pictures to show you the transformation:

Then we had a week to prepare for our puppy. We decided on the name Annabelle. We picked up all our supplies through out the week and picked her up Saturday morning. Her and Wrigley met for a second time when we picked her up and played in their yard before returning home. She was a little tense at first on the car ride home but then relaxed in my lap. Her and Wrigley couldn't be playing better, she lets him make the calls and is already learning good behaviors from him. She hasn't chewed anything other than toys yet, and only had two tiny piddle accidents (only because she couldn't hold it anymore) and finished when we took her outside. She is a quick learner and napped for an hour in our room on her pillow after the 6am feeding and bathroom break. She quietly wimpered for less than 5 minutes last night after being put in her crate for the night. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly today and the rest of the week, I will keep you updated! Oh, she is 5 months (we're making her birthday the same as mine) and weighs 15lbs :o) Here are some pictures of her first day with us:

most of them are of them playing... go figure :o)

checking things out...

sleeping next to momma

nothing but puppy pudge

cuddling :o)