Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birthdays and Big News!

First for the birthdays: Ben turned 25 on November 7th and I turned 25 on November 30th. Ben's birthday was a lot of fun, two of his college friends came down to celebrate the weekend after. We went out on the town in ATL and showed them a good time at some of the bars/clubs. He even got to have mint-chocolate ice cream cake! Then we went home for Thanksgiving, quite a long ride in the car- 11 hours with the puppies, but they did really well. We had a great time at home visiting with family and friends and having a wonderful Thanksgiving meal cooked by my sister (great job Lauren). Then we came back here to celebrate my birthday, I had to work so it wasn't too extravagant, but we went out to dinner and had a lovely evening at home...

Now for the big news! Ben got a job in Portland, Oregon! That's right, we are moving to Portland, Oregon sometime around the middle to late January. It is a biosafety specialist position at Oregon Health and Science University. After he applied to this job and went through the whole interview process, I had a feeling that this would be the one that he would land. Although, I do not want to move any further away from Pennsylvania, I know that if we live in Oregon for a little while and get Ben's career started, we can then look for jobs much closer to PA and move there long term. So for everyone who is thinking we are crazy, this move will only be for a little while :o)

I posted some pictures from our birthdays and Thanksgiving on Facebook. Sorry I haven't posted for so long, obviously we have been extremely busy lately. But since we have so many new things now, I will be sure to post more often.

We are traveling home to PA for Christmas for almost a week, so I hope to see a lot of you then. We can't wait to be home for the Christmas holiday! Love you all.