Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It is much different celebrating Easter down here in GA. For one, the weather is MUCH warmer- it feels about mid-high 80s and is sunny. I also didn't get to go to church for the first Easter, in I don't know how long. Instead, I watched it online. The past 4 or 5 weeks I have watched a church service online every sunday at 11:00. It is a church that Ben's mom heard of from her church at home, so she took me, and I loved it. The only problem is that it takes so long to fight traffic and what not, since it is in the heart of Buckhead. So I choose to watch it online instead, same service, but less time and more convenient. Ben and I decided to make peanut butter eggs from scratch, boy did they turn out yummy! I also made a ham for Ben and I for dinner, it turned out ok, nothing like a homemade meal made from the ones you love. I miss my family terribly today, but know that it will only make it that much better when I do see them.

Ben loves his job and is fitting in very well. He comes home happy every day, and is starting to take more independence in his duties. I just finished working toward my certification to use modalities (heat, ice, electrical stimulation, ultrasound etc) to promote healing. So, overall- everything is going well!

Love and miss you all, enjoy some more pictures below :o)

in the process of making our eggs!

The finished product... mmm