Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wrigley Comes Home

O.k. here are some pictures from Wrigley's first night! They are in reverse order... I still haven't gotten the hang of the picture/blog thing yet... He explored the outside of our condo a bit when he first arrived, then showed himself around the inside of our condo, and then we played a bit. He slept under the table during dinner and then it was bath time! He didn't mind it too much and was very submissive, of course there was much playing after we dried him off, then he got tuckered out- and fell asleep on the couch with Ben. He then slept on his pillow in our room the whole night! So far this morning he has gone potty outside twice (only one accident last night, but I caught him and took him outside to finish) and played while I got ready. Right now he is asleep on my lap :o) We couldn't have asked for a better puppy. You might want to view the pictures from bottom to top to get the feel of the whole evening, but either way, here are some picutres of our new puppy Wrigley!

tuckered out after a long evening...

Ben is in there...

His nap during dinner.

He discovered his bed!

Wrigley was exploring our room for the first time :o)