Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I passed the NBCOT exam = I'm a O.T.!!

For starters... I passed the National Board of Certification for Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)!!! I'm officially an O.T.!! Now I just have to figure out when I can start my job :o) I was pleasantly surprised to sign onto the website and find the word "PASSED" next to my name. I wasn't supposed to find out until tomorrow but it was a wonderful surprise! In order to pass you have to get a score of 450 out of 600. Each test is weighted differently and is unique in which questions are on it. I didn't write in my blog that I was taking it because if I didn't pass, I didn't want everyone to know. I actually took the exam last Wednesday, the day we got Wrigley. I was stressed enough not knowing if I would pass and just thought that if everyone knew I was taking it, it would add more stress onto the exam. But it all ended up working out for the best and I passed on my first try!

The next news is that I took Wrigley to the vet yesterday and we found out a lot about him. He is actually older than we thought- he is about 7 months old, weighs 17.3lbs, has all his adult teeth, and is at his adult size (with the exception of gaining maybe another 3lbs or so). He was also tested for heart worms, which he does not have. I am very glad that we decided to take him, because now we know a bit more about our little guy. We are both happy that he will not get much bigger, he is the perfect size for our condo and will hopefully fit on the plane when we go home for Dad's birthday in October.

Below are some pictures of the ArtsFest that we went to at Piedmont Park on Saturday. It was a huge beautiful park, which you can see for yourself in the pictures below. There are also a few more pictures of Wrigley below of him sporting his Penn State gear :o)

There was a lake at the park!
The soccer area and baseball field, the little white tents far off in the picture are the tents that the artists were set up in- a lot like the art fair at the river in Hbg.

Sand volleyball court, I came home and signed up for notifications of when people play

Chewing on his big bone from my mom

Sporting his PSU collar and bandanna from my mom, and they were playing that day :o)