Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another week in GA

After this Friday, I have only 3 more weeks left of fieldwork! Yay! I am very ready to start practicing on my own and earning a paycheck- I know Ben is ready for that too :o) This week so far, I have gotten to make my own splint and am continuing to grown with independence during evaluation and treatment sessions. I just hope that these last 3 weeks go quickly and without any major issues.

Just today Ben and I have changed the date of our wedding! It was originally scheduled for Sunday October 9th, 2011 (the Sunday before Columbus Day), but is now changed to Saturday October 15th, 2011. We thought that everyone would have Monday off for Columbus Day, but found out that we were wrong. October 15th, 2011 is the weekend after. This will hopefully allow for a greater change in color of the leaves and also allow people to party as long as they want. Unfortunately, it is the same day as a PSU game, hopefully the die-hard Penn State fans won't be too disappointed (not to worry it isn't a big game or anything). I also found a pastor for our wedding this past week! I have lost touch with the church of my childhood and youth, but wanted that pastor to marry Ben and I. He graciously said that he would marry us at Felicita Garden Resort and Spa and make it the unique ceremony that we would like. I am thrilled to know that my childhood pastor will be leading our special day! Needless to say, the wedding plans are underway.

Lauren and Jeff are in Canada spending 10 days in Perth, where Jeff's family has a cottage. I am incredibly jealous and wish that I could have gone with them, I have visited in the past and loved it. Next week, the Smith family is vacationing at Stone Harbor, NJ (where I have vacationed since I was born- Ben's family vacations ther as well, and where Ben proposed only a few months ago). I am also sad that Ben and I cannot vacation at our favorite place with his family. I guess I will just have to imagine that I am in Canada and Stone Harbor, NJ when I have a moment to relax.... Enjoy the vacations everyone and soak up some sun for me! :o)