Sunday, July 12, 2009

1/2 way done with Fieldwork!

This week marked week 6 of my fieldwork experience. On Monday I move upstairs to a different unit in the hospital and will be working with a different supervisor. My new placement will be in the acute care unit/ICU and I'll be working with Tanya for 4 days of the week and Melissa for 1 day a week. After leaving my old floor on Friday, I realized that I became very comfortable in that working environment. I became confident in my ability as a practitioner and my clinical reasoning skills. I realized that if I stayed there for another six weeks I most likely would have become bored with it, but it was nice to finally feel confident in my ability as an entry-level occupational therapist. The new placement will broaden my skills as a therapist and only give me more "tools in my tool box" to use when I practice on my own. I am very excited to see more trauma cases and hopefully sit in on a few surgeries as well!

On Friday, Ben and I treated ourselves to The Wallflowers concert! It was a very unique venue, The Botanical Gardens. The Wallflowers put on a great show and I am very glad that we went, we needed to just relax and spend some time together. The venue attracted a crowd that was a little older than us and had the option of ordering dinner ahead of time... basically they catered your dinner and you could buy wine and beer if you wanted. Ben and I did not take advantage of this option, but thought it was a lovely idea. Instead of having assigned seats, this venue was one open, grassy area, and people brought blankets or beach chairs to sit on. It was a different experience but very relaxing. We couldn't have asked for better weather, it reminded me of a beautiful spring evening in PA. Now, it's back to the grind for another week...

Miss and love you all.


Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date Jenna. I enjoy reading your blog each week. You are doing great! I am so happy for you that work is going well. Look forward to hearing about the next six weeks.

Mayday28 said...

Hey sis! So to add a ticker you go to I would chose EVENT to start. Then you put in the date that you will be done with your field work and in event you can put "Finish feild work" click next. Select a background then a cursor, and copy the html code when you are done. Paste it to your layout under a new html tab. Call me if you need more help. Love ya! Miss ya!