Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

My apologies for not posting in so long. I did think about posting, but with a little push from my sister, it made me get back on quicker. We have had very busy weekends here! Our friend Sean Talbott came to visit for a weekend, then the weekend after, Mr. Smith came down, and last weekend we had a concert to go to! Not only did we have visitors but we were kept quite busy during those times! We went to shoot the hooch on more that one occasion, went to two Braves' games, and a Jackson Browne concert at Chastain Park Ampitheater. Then this past weekend Ben and I treated ourselves to a Sheryl Crow concert!! Ben purchased those tickets as a surprise to me, 4th row, center stage! She rocked out, playing new and old stuff. Her encore totally took the show with all old stuff and a tribute to Michael Jackson by singing "I want you back". We have been thoroughly enjoying Atlanta, and sticking out the incredible heat and humidity.

This upcoming weekend I am going to a PAM (physical agent modalities) class that will get me certified to use things like ultra sound, electrical stimulation, and many more here in the state of GA. The only downside is that it is ALL day Saturday and Sunday, but I know it will be worth it. Then my mom is coming to visit the weekend after that, and the weekend after THAT my dad and Brenda are coming! Whew... here we go again... But I love it :o)

I apologize that there aren't any new pictures, we just haven't taken any! I promise to try harder to take more these upcoming weekends. Please send me messages and keep me updated with your lives- Miss and love you all.