Monday, February 1, 2010

The mom's visit to pick a wedding dress!

Ben's mom and my mom came down on a last minute notice to come see wedding dresses with me. A few weeks ago, Ben and I went on a whim to check out this one place that I have been eyeing up- well it ended up that I found 3 dresses that I absolutely loved. So I called our mothers and they decided to come down and help me decide on one.

So before the actual appointment on Saturday, we enjoyed some time together (they arrived Thursday afternoon)! We had lots of yummy things to eat, went shopping, and went to see "Young Frankenstein" at The Fabulous Fox Theatre! It was a great show, and our mothers loved it! We are really glad that we went and got to show them a bit of historic Atlanta.

Then the big day came and we went to the bridal store and they had my 3 dresses pulled, and I tried each one on for our mothers. As soon as I put my dress on for our mothers- my face lit up and I knew right away- that was my dress! It was the greatest feeling in the world. And an even better feeling was when my "helper" stood in front of me (veil and all) and asked "Is this your dress?" and I replied "Yes! This is my dress!" my mother then replied "HA, she said yes to the dress!". If any of you know the show on TLC "Say Yes to the Dress" it is about picking out your wedding dress. That night I had a bit of doubt- but that quickly went away when I remembered how I felt in it.

Then Sunday and Monday we relaxed with Wrigley and Ben and enjoyed a day at the Georgia Aquarium- which was away cool. Having them leave is always sad, but I know that I will get to see them at the end of the month for my mom's birthday.

Check out the pictures below!

Ben decided to make this incredible chocolate bunt cake... yummmmm

Wrigley sitting with his Oma

Mom and I at the Georgia Aquarium!

The incredible tunnel at the aquarium- I could have stood there for hours...

The largest saltwater aquarium in the world, the glass was 2 feet thick, and it would take 15 months to fill it with a garden hose... it was HUGE!! (and way cool)


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....