Saturday, April 24, 2010

April in the ATL

Aren't our little puppies adorable!? Ben had them under the commands of sit and stay. They couldn't be getting along any better. They play together, sleep together, and sit by the window and watch together. We officially took down her crate today because we haven't used it in over a week. She got fixed last Friday and was a little woozy the first two days but now she back to normal. We have to take her back to the vet's office sometime this week to get her stitches out. We have been taking both of them to happy hour at ABC Brewery and hang out outside and they get lots of attention :o)

This work week was typical for both of us and this weekend is time for relaxation! Next weekend I have to work Sunday because the following week the Smith family is coming for Ben's graduation! We are both very excited to see everyone and show them around.

In addition to a normal work week, we got to see the Phillies play the Braves! And... the Phillies won! We had club level seats, which we would get again, we had a great view and the fans up there were a nicer to us outcasts :o) We are taking Flat Stanley around with us, so he came to the game as well! Flat Stanley is a project that a lot of elementary school children have, he is a cut out of a boy and travels in the mail to places far away from home. Ben's cousin Jake made him and we are showing him around Atlanta. We are having lots of fun with him.

The weather has been great, lots of pollen, and a few thunderstorms but it is almsot pool season and we are very excited for that. It's getting warmer down here in ATL, spring has officially sprung :o)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It is much different celebrating Easter down here in GA. For one, the weather is MUCH warmer- it feels about mid-high 80s and is sunny. I also didn't get to go to church for the first Easter, in I don't know how long. Instead, I watched it online. The past 4 or 5 weeks I have watched a church service online every sunday at 11:00. It is a church that Ben's mom heard of from her church at home, so she took me, and I loved it. The only problem is that it takes so long to fight traffic and what not, since it is in the heart of Buckhead. So I choose to watch it online instead, same service, but less time and more convenient. Ben and I decided to make peanut butter eggs from scratch, boy did they turn out yummy! I also made a ham for Ben and I for dinner, it turned out ok, nothing like a homemade meal made from the ones you love. I miss my family terribly today, but know that it will only make it that much better when I do see them.

Ben loves his job and is fitting in very well. He comes home happy every day, and is starting to take more independence in his duties. I just finished working toward my certification to use modalities (heat, ice, electrical stimulation, ultrasound etc) to promote healing. So, overall- everything is going well!

Love and miss you all, enjoy some more pictures below :o)

in the process of making our eggs!

The finished product... mmm