Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mom's Birthday Weekend!

This Friday night I hope to be catching a plane to PA for mom's birthday! We have a day planned at the Hershey Spa- my first massage ever!! But a threatening snow storm is looming around the corner... We all hope that my flight goes off as scheduled and doesn't put an wrench in our plans. I'm very excited to be able to spend time at home and with my family as well as at the spa. Ironically, it is one of my good friend's birthday as well- so we are going out Saturday night to the Winner's Circle to line dance (soooo much fun!). But again, I hope the snow doesn't keep all that from happening. Even if I do have to stay in GA, I will get to spend a great weekend with my boys. It feels weird leaving both of them for 3 days, I know they will be fine, but the weekends are our time to relax and spend time with one another.

Then next weekend Ben's mom, dad, and brother are coming to visit to see a GT basketball game. We are both very excited to have them here, we miss our family and friends and love visitors ;o). We are ashamed to say that we haven't made it to a basketball game yet at GT- horrible, we know, so we are excited to finally get to one! This will also be Brad's first time to ATL so we are excited to show him our place and the city as well.

As you can see, we will be quite busy these upcoming weeks so I'll try to post when I can. We are also having a handy-man fix our bathroom ceiling (a leak made a whole from the unit above us) and paint (woo hoo!) AND put tile in our screened in porch! So we are busy bee's here and can't wait for it all to be done- thanks to our wonderful landlords- Ben's parents :o)

Miss and love you all!