Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ben's 24th Birthday

This weekend, two of Ben's friends from college came to visit for his birthday. Matt and Zach arrived Thursday and the boys went out to a bar up the street to play darts and pool and have guy time. Friday they stayed home with Wrigley and then we went out to ABC for happy hour. We went to The Vortex for dinner, then went to two other bars for some beers on Peachtree St. Saturday we went to the football tailgate and the guys went to the game vs. Wake Forest- I went home to be with Wrigley and watch PSU. Unfortunately, PSU lost, but GT won in OT! Then we went to La Parilla (a Mexican restaurant) for dinner and then just hung out at the condo for a while, eventually we headed up to Fox and Hounds for a few birthday drinks. We stayed up late, and I think Ben had a great birthday celebration. Sunday (today), we took Matt, Zach, and Wrigley to Piedmont Park. It was a beautiful day to be outside and walk around. Matt is leaving tonight and Zach is leaving tomorrow afternoon. I think that Ben had a fun birthday and are very glad to have his friends here to celebrate it. I only hope that it was all that he wanted for his birthday :o)

Another week at work ahead, I'm fitting in more every day, and love being an O.T. Ben is winding down his semester, and anxious to finish up his course work and find a job that he enjoys. We think about you all often, miss and love you.