Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ben's Parents Visit for the Weekend

We were blessed to have visitors this weekend! Ben's parents arrived Friday afternoon while we were away, and Wrigley gave them a wonderful welcome. It was fantastic to have a full house when I came home from work! Wrigley was well taken care of all day, so we were able to go out to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner, ohh boy was it yummy! Then Saturday we went to Einstein Bagel Brothers for breakfast. Saturday night we went tailgating at GT and headed to the football game. It was homecoming, so there were a ton of people there, they played VT and it was a great game (the student body stormed the field at the end of the game which was neat to see). The weather wasn't too bad and we had great seats too. Sunday, Lisa and I went to Buckhead Church, which was a huge production, and I also enjoyed being back in church. Then we went for a walk at the park and headed to The Pizza Kitchen in Lenox Square Mall for lunch. Before you knew it, we were driving them to the airport. It is never enough time when our parents come to visit, and always quiet when we return home. We were both very glad that they came and had a wonderful time.

In two weeks we are headed back home to PA for my dad's 50th birthday party! It will be a very short weekend since I have to work on Friday and Monday, but I am just thrilled to be able to see everyone, even if it is for only two days.

Ben's birthday is coming up, and two of his friends just decided to make the trip down to celebrate with him. I am glad that they decided to come, because now Ben has something special happening for his birthday. We will most likely be going to the GT football game that day, as long as we all can get tickets.

Starting another week back at work, which is going well- I'm getting the hang of multi-tasking and starting to fit in with the other therapists. I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Love and miss you all.