Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hello again from down south. We have had a very good past two weeks. Two weeks ago, my mom came down to visit for a long weekend. Everything went as planned and we had a ton of fun. Many giggle fits, bottles of wine, and just relaxing with the dogs! We made it to the first kick-off game of the GT football season. It was our first tailgate, and it went rather well. Then we went to a movie, went out to eat, and just lounged around the rest of the weekend. It was a very good visit.

Then last weekend my dad and Brenda came down for the first time since I moved down. They had a lot to see, but we managed to show them much of Atlanta. We went to a very good BBQ joint, hung out in Buckhead, Midtown, and showed them the Chattahoochee rive (no floating because the water was very chilly). They got to spend time with the pups and see our little world down here in GA. I am very glad that they made the trip and got to hang out with us.

Now we have a couple quiet weekends until I fly home to PA to be in a friend's wedding. It will be a short weekend filled with rehersals, weddings, and get-togethers. I think it might be cooling off a little bit down here, and when I say that, I mean that it isn't above 95 degrees every day :o) Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures when my dad and Brenda were down, but here are a couple from my mom's visit. I will try to take more pictures- I know, I've been slacking. :o)


First home game of the season, Go Jackets!