Monday, July 12, 2010

Stone Harbor, NJ

This past week we spent our time driving to and from PA, and most of the week at Stone Harbor, NJ. I have vacationed there since I was born, and ironically, Ben and his family have vacationed there for most of his life as well. It is probably our favorite place to be. Not only do we both have history there, but that is where Ben proposed to me! The drive to and from PA/GA was rough, but well worth it. We took both of our puppies to my mother's house and she doggie-sat for us the whole week. She loved them, and they loved her! It also gave us peace of mind knowing that they were well taken care of. It gave us a chance to really enjoy our vacation.

We spent our days on the beach, our nights eating fabulous food and walking around to the different shops. Tuesday night, Ben's dad treated us to a Phillies game. It was great to be back in the sea of red and Philly lovers. We loved spending time with Ben's family, and his extended family was there too- so it was one big get together! I desperately needed some R&R (not that I got that much sleep because we exercised every morning) but just to get away was exactly what I needed. I feel refreshed, like my batteries have been recharged. I only wish that we could spend more time there and live closer. Not only did we spend time at the beach, but I got to see my family too the day before and after vacationing, so it was very nice to see everyone- even if it was only a little taste :o).

Now it is back to the grind of city, a bit overwhelming, but just taking one day at a time. We have busy weekends coming up, Ben is visiting a college friend in UNC in two weeks and then comes a month of weekend visitors! We love visitors, so anyone who wants to join in- feel free! Enjoy some pictures below of our vacation, a place that is very close to our hearts. (more are on facebook)

Miss and love you all!

Our spot- we have 4 different pictures, from 4 different years all at this same spot, need I say more? :0)

A night in town (96th street and 3rd Avenue)

Enjoying the Jersey beach

Our house for the week, on 96th Street and 2nd Avenue