Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Georgia thunderstorms

If you know me well, then you know that I do not like thunderstorms. Apparently this week is the week for thunderstorms. They are calling for scattered thunderstorms Monday-Thursday of this week. It's weird, they come in so quickly, down pour, and then they are gone! But this weekend is suppose to be beautiful, possibly pool weather :o) I'm still running errands and cleaning, or as dad calls it, "nesting". What can I say, I don't like to do nothing all day, and like to keep busy. We also found out a few days ago that Ben's roommate is moving out in a week! Yay!! We gain an entire room, which we are converting into an office and a bathroom. We have everything to decorate his bathroom except the shower curtain, bath mat, and towels. Can you tell we are eager to get him out?? So I start my fieldwork and loose Ben's roommate all in the same week... holy cow! Things are never dull.

Miss and love all of you up in PA.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well I'm down here in the ATL sitting on the sofa drinking wine (Ben drinking stella) watching Deadliest Catch. I'm finally down here. It feels weird and I want to be home, but I know that I belong here with my handsome fella. It was a long weekend of driving around purchasing the necessities for the condo. and showing my mom and dad and Ben's mom, Lisa, parts of the city that are most important to us. They got to see GT's campus and the site of my internship (Atlanta Medical Center). Of course, they also spent time at the condo. making it feel more like home for me. I have one week off then I start my 12 week internship. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Right now, I am just concentrating on getting adjusted to not being in Pennsylvania anymore and being submerged in the city life. As I have said before, I will NEVER be a georgia peach but I will embrace the experience... Always a PA girl. Keep in touch, miss you all.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Well... Ben and I are engaged! It all started on mother's day when Ben surprised me by telling me that he was taking me to Stone Harbor, NJ for the week. Stone Harbor is a very special place to Ben and I. We have vacationed there with our families since we were little. He waited until the second night of our vacation (May 12th, coincidentally Ben cousin's Krista's birthday) to propose. After dinner, we decided to sit on the beach on a blanket and relax while looking out at the ocean with the sun setting behind us... and that is when he did it! I was so happy, and excited among a million other emotions. The ring is very special to me because the diamond is from Ben's mother's Aunt Barbara's engagement ring. I am excited to officially be a part of the Smith family and cannot wait for our lives to begin together!

He designed the ring himself! It is platinum and appears silver in normal lighting, I think it is appearing darker in these pictures as a result of the lighting and background. These pictures were taken by the jewler before the ring was given to Ben. I couldn't have asked for anything more. And it is even more special to me because he designed it. <3>

These pictures are of the ring before the center stone was added, I wanted to include them so you could get a better pictures of the color of the ring.

I couldn't be happier! He did such a wonderful job <3